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The Further Sexualization Of The Youth by Mratroch the 5th and some other interesting articles

May 4, 2007


It is not uncommon for 10-13 year olds to be engaged in rampant sex. This is easily identifiable by traveling among the city streets, where the fashions of the rural areas are being shaped. Disagree? Go to any small town (ie:’ where the Sonic is the center of town) and they appear to be stuck in the mid 90’s somewhere, about ten years behind. Of course, this is a situation that can be easily curtailed by the interdiction of parents. Depending on the area, this may or may not happen. The city’s particulary have more group-think involved, so the inactivity of the parent may prove the downfall of their gene-pool.

For the parent, this issue is especially important. As we are all role models, then we should be very aware of the attitudes we inhabit, for they affect not just our children and heirs, but anyone and everyone around us.

Why is it bad for our children to be sexual at an early age? An easy way for you to understand this would be for you to examine all of the young mothers you know. Young mothers being defined as a female who becomes...

Posted at: 11:41 AM | Permalink

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